Untitled and Unfinished Part 4

Part 4
            Four days soon passed them by and Layora was still making her way down the Mountain side. The weather had become worse, with heavy snow and icy wind, she was forced many times to stop and seek shelter. It disrupted her journey and although she hated it, she had no choice but to wait out the storms and keep herself busy whenever possible. She hated being idle, sitting in her tent or in any inlets she found. So she made more arrows and new boots and even decided to try and fashion herself a new bow. She was quick with the arrows and after a full day of being stuck inside, she finally managed to get out and was back on her way down the Mountain. Snow had ventured out during the storms and didnt mind the harsher weather at all. He always came back to her as the weather was dying down and more often than not, he came back with a rabbit or other small animals he had caught for her. He was always trying to please her with his presents, dropping them nearly in her lap at times. She simply laughed and held him while she thanked him. He loved the extra attention it seemed and catching animals was an easy way to get it.
            She used every pelt and they enjoyed every meal together and soon she had enough rabbit furs to make new boots and a thicker hood. Once the storm had passed, they moved on and continued down the Mountain together. As they ventured on, Layora came to an uncomfortable spot where she knew she must climb down from a rather risky height. Sighing deeply, she pulled out her picks and rope and made a sling to fit round her waist. Once safely strapped and with an anchor set around a nearby tree, she was able to lower herself down. Holding onto the rope tightly, she started to walk backwards over the edge. She was nervous and very tense and she wished Snow would stop pacing above her. Relax pup, Ill go down and I know youll find a way around to meet me, go on then. He whined loudly and sure enough, began a route around and soon she could see him jumping from rock to rock; he would be below her in no time.
            Smiling a little, she started down, sliding her hands along the rope slowly as she did so. Snow had reached the bottom and although she did not see him yet, she heard him. He let out a very loud bark, something she had not heard him do before. She was so startled by his howl, that she lost her footing and swung into the rock wall. She cried out as her shoulder smacked into the jutted edge and she tried hard not to let go of the rope that was slipping between her fingers. Gasping hard, she tried to regain her breath and soon she was sliding, all too quickly down the side, her leg was scraping against the rock wall and she winced hard, trying desperately to get her feet out and against the wall again to brace herself. She failed in doing so and before she knew it, she hit the bottom, her hands having let the rope slide too fast. She landed hard and although there was snow to cushion her fall, it wasnt deep enough.
            Aching all over, she laid back on the ground, her hands now covering her face. They were burned, the rope had cut through her gloves and left two burns on the palms of her hands. She shook her head and sat up as best she could, looking around for Snow. She didnt have to look far, as he stood in front of her, only a couple feet away. He was facing away from her and looked ridged, even his tail was stiff. She was about to call out to him, not understanding why he had barked in the first place, but soon realized what had caused this accident. Another wolf stood about thirty feet away on a small ledge between the trees. It stood there, staring intently upon the two and Snow was absolutely transfixed by the creature. It was another white wolf, beautiful and standing so proudly before them. It was a female and Snow knew it. He took a couple of steps forward and Layoras gaze suddenly focused on him. Thoughts raced through her mind-Will he run? What if he leaves me? She trembled hard and was about to whisper to him, when the female suddenly howled and turned her back to them. As she walked away Snow stood very still, his gaze still following the other wolf.
            Layora was afraid to speak, afraid to even breathe too loud. She didnt want him to run, she knew it was wrong of her, to keep him from being with other wolves, but she was terrified of losing him. She did not have to worry, however. Snow turned and came closer, sitting down beside her, he pawed at her leg a little and whined softly. Layora reached out and wrapped her arms around him, holding him close. She hadnt realized until now that tears were threatening to spill and the stinging made her shut her eyes tightly, finally letting them fall. Snow whined as she held him, nosing at her cheek gently. She nuzzled him and for a moment, all the pain she felt disappeared and she simply relaxed against him, holding him to her.
            After a little while she assessed her injuries and although none were life threatening, she still felt bruised and sore. She had even managed to cut her cheek. She knew that her body would heal quickly, but for now she decided to just rest and call it a day. Setting up camp didnt take her too long and while she decided to not bother with a fire, she bundled up inside the little tent they shared. With snow at her side, they sat and ate some of the nuts and dried berries they had received from town. Snow wasnt too pleased with his portion, so Layora opened up a small bundle of meat and let him have his fill. They sat like that for most of the afternoon while she worked away at making a new pair of gloves. Her hands were sore and stung quite a bit when she closed them, so she did her best to mix a salve and spread it over her wounds. Once they were covered, she bandaged them and finished making her gloves.
            Sighing deeply, Layora lay back on their blankets, having finished with her task. Snow was curled up, snoring softly by her side and she did her best not to disturb him. Turning onto her side, her long hair getting caught beneath her, forced her to sit back up and pin it up and out of the way. Her eyes found Snow once again and she thought back to the way she had reacted upon seeing him and the other wolf. She shook her head a little and rubbed her eyes before lying back once more. She gazed up into the canopy of her tent for a while, just letting her mind roam and eventually she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep.
            Upon waking the next morning, Layora once again assessed her injuries, making sure that none had become infected or worse. Her hands were healing well and the cut on her cheek was almost closed over. Sighing a little she held her little pocket mirror away from her, trying to see her whole face. She was startled however when she discovered just how different she looked. She hardly recognized herself and in great discomfort, she put away her mirror and started packing up her things. She was so changed, not just in mind, but in body and behavior as well. It both troubled and intrigued her and she tried to ignore this as best she could for the time being. After packing away her things, she took down the tent while Snow wandered around the area. She knew it would be another few days yet before she was able to get off the Mountain, but in truth, the tunnel had saved weeks of her journey and for this she was thankful. The Winter was still strong in all its glory, but she had beaten the worst of it, she had survived the Mountain.
            Once again they were on their way by early morning, the Sun just starting its climb. The snow had ceased and while she was thankful for this, the wind had not settled and it was making her descent more difficult than she would have liked. Snow had an easy time of it of course. He made his way through the snow and now the not so visible path they had been following. Layora had seen amazing sights before along her journey, but this had been something else entirely. The incredible size of the Mountain had fascinated her and being so close to the stone and scattered trees along its side was wonderful. Despite all she had been through, she still saw beauty in the Mountain and she knew that these sights would never be forgotten. As she climbed down over yet another ledge, she admired Snow who had drifted off to find another path. He had not gone too far, but she watched as he jumped gracefully from rock to rock and laughed when he jumped onto what he thought was a rock, but turned out to be snow. He sunk a fair bit and she just shook her head and laughed at him. He heard her and soon he was by her side as she reached the bottom of the ledge.
            She unhooked herself and coiled up what was left of her rope and they started off once again, side by side. They travelled the whole afternoon and come dusk, they reached the bottom. The wind had been strong, but her desire to reach the bottom was much stronger. By the time the Sun was setting, she was getting herself settled among the trees at the base of the Mountain. She could not control her smile, even Snow seemed to be happy as he ran around their campsite sniffing at every tree, rock and bush. Sitting down by her fire she put on a small pot of soup to which she added some meat and vegetables with other herbs and spices she had received. The people she had met in the town had shown her much kindness and had given her several care packages. She had only gone through two of them and decided to peek into the third. It had been wrapped the nicest and was actually the largest parcel she had received so she had decided to save it until later.
            While her soup was cooking, she pulled her bag towards her and emptied out many of her things, wishing to reorganize her pack. When she pulled out the large parcel, she set it down in her lap and started to untie the strings holding it together. Her brow creased as she observed a white fabric folded around something inside. She carefully unwrapped the fabric and found it to be a large beautiful cloak. It was beautifully crafted, woven from materials she had only wished she could have afforded herself. It was so soft and luxurious and she stood to hold it out in front of her to get a better look. It billowed in the wind and she smiled brightly. It had dark blue thread as the stitching and beautiful designs woven in the both the hood, collar and trim of the cloak. Even the cord and buckle fabric was that gorgeous shade of blue. Shaking her head in amazement, she put it on, doing up the buckles and pulling the hood up. She wished she could see herself in it, it was something so beautiful, she felt as if she had never and would never wear anything finer. Snow! Look! Isnt it so pretty? She twirled and pulled the cloak around her, laughing a little as he came closer, sniffing at her and whining softly.
            I cant believe they would give me something to precious. It must have taken a long time to make. She sighed and removed it, afraid she would dirty it in the harsh weather. Ill put it away for safe keeping; I would hate to dirty it. Snow sat down by their fire and watched as she wrapped it up and put it away in her bag. Sitting back down, she stirred the soup and pulled over the small box that had been wrapped up in the cloak. There were packets of tea and herbs and even two small knives used for skinning other little things. She was very grateful for all of the lovely gifts she had received and she wished she could have repaid them in some way. Sighing softly she tucked away her things one by one into her bag and once she had finished, she poured herself a bowl of the hot soup and gave Snow some of the cooked meat as well. They spent some time relaxing as the darkness surrounded them and after an hour or two had passed, they climbed into the tent together for a good nights sleep.
            Two weeks soon passed them by and Layora and Snow were slowly starting to see a change in the weather. It was still snowing on occasion, but the brunt of it seemed to have passed. No grass was yet visible, but the fact that the snow storms were so infrequent, brightened her spirits immensely. Snow was happy no matter what, it seemed. He didnt care what the weather was like and always tried to have fun with her. He was growing well and she was surprised at how much he had grown since she had found him some months ago. She hadnt realized how strange it was to have found such a young pup so close to Winter until she had given it some thought. Most wolves and other animals were born in the early Spring and she wondered if their mother had trouble finding a mate. She frowned when thinking about this, resting her chin on her knees as she drew them up to her chest.
            She wished she could have been there to save them all, even their mother She knew she would never have had a companion like Snow if she had, however, and this troubled her. Sighing deeply she looked out across the frozen lake she had come to follow the past few days. She was happy for the change of scenery, but felt incredibly weary as of late. The weather was wearing on her and she felt that she would give almost anything for a warm Summers day. Snow slunk over to her and laid down beside her quietly, resting his muzzle on her foot. Absentmindedly she reached down to rest her hand on his head, gently massaging him. He still felt very soft here and although he was a bit dirty, his beautiful white fur had remained bushy and soft. Smiling warmly, she tickled his ears and leaned back against her pack, gazing up into the sky.
            They stay like that a while, just listening to the sound of the ice creaking now and again. The wind making its rustling noises as it blew through the trees. Her gaze shifted from the sky to the nearby forest however, when she thought she heard voices. She stared hard into the thick woods and saw nothing. Maybe its just the wind, Snow. I dont know why anyone would be out wandering in this weather, she whispered and nestled her face in the crooks of her arms. Snows ears twitched beneath her fingers and she strained once again as she heard the soft voices. She stiffened as she made out the sounds of conversation and began to tremble a little. The wind was carrying their voices and she worried they might actually be closer than she thought. Shifting a little she smothered what was left of their fire and picked up her pack. Snow stood staring off into the woods quietly. He listened intently, his ears twitching all the while and his tail moving slightly with the cool breeze.
            Layora motioned for him to follow her and follow her he did, moving alongside her as she ventured closer to the edge of the forest. Continuing to listen to the voices, she followed South along the shrubbery, trying to stay in the shadows of the wood. Snow stayed close by her side and at one point when they had both stopped, he began sniffing the air with such intensity. Layora did not know what he smelt, perhaps a food that she could not or another odor she had not picked up on. The voices never grew clearer or closer and she wondered at this, thinking that maybe they had been keeping pace with her somewhere in the woods. After a while of this the voices quieted quite a bit and she and Snow were left staring off into the darkness before them, the Sun having already gone down. They must have set up camp for the night, Snow. Im worried, what if they find us? I dont know if they are friend or foe and in all this darkness, I dont know if it is such a good idea to camp out for the night. Snow whined a little after she spoke and rubbed his body against her leg. He clearly didnt care anymore and she just laughed a little and patted his head. But Layora was too nervous to set up a tent or camp at all for the night and so she left Snow a safe distance inside the forest and well hidden and went in search of the voices.
            Layora kept to the shadows as much as possible and having left her pack well hidden with Snow, she was free to move about as she wished. Moving carefully through the shrubbery and tangle of trees, she was able to hear the voices a little clearer. Eventually she came within sight of a fire some distance off and decided itd be best not to get any closer. Squatting down, she watched carefully but all she could see were men with backs turned to her. She could not even call them men for she could not see their faces. She hoped that were elves but she had learned not to get her hopes up for anything in life, lest she be disappointed once again. Just then one of them stood and walked over to the fire; he stooped and picked up a long stick in which he used to stoke the fire. She wished he would turn just a little so that she might see him more clearly and was pleasantly surprised when he turned around to head back to his seat by the fire; he was an elf.
            Her heart practically leapt from her chest and she did all that she could to hold her gasp in. Biting her lower lip firmly, she stared in wonder at the other elf. He was tall and had long dark blonde hair and he was smiling, a wonderful smile upon his face as he looked over at one of his companions. The other had caught his attention and was speaking to him softly and abruptly, the blonde haired elf started to laugh. She blushed at having seen him looking so vulnerable and averted her gaze for just a moment. But when more of them started to laugh, she could not help letting her eyes fall back upon the group of elves. There were about a dozen of them from what she could see and there were about six tents set up not far from their seating place. Layora shook her head in disbelief and slowly she started heading back to where she had left Snow.
            He was right where she had left him, guarding her pack. She was still smiling, still in shock and still shaking. She had seen someone like herself for the first time in her life. Not a picture in a book, not a description of an elf, but a physical elf among his friends; other elves. She knelt and wrapped her arms around Snow, incredibly happy that she had sought out the voices. Snow whined softly and licked at her arm as she held him. Rubbing his neck she sat back on her heels and looked into his eyes. Im going to meet the elves.
            Layora had allowed Snow to pick up the trail of the elves the next day and they were careful to stay a safe distance away from the group as she feared how they might take her. She did her best to keep her camps small and only light a fire when absolutely necessary. Snow never failed her, his nose guiding their way for many days. Over two weeks passed and they continued to follow the group with no trouble at all and Layora was beginning to wonder if she would ever have the courage to approach them directly. Shaking her head, she sat down inside her tent, drawing the door closed and tying it securely. They were about a half a day’s walk from the group and she had felt that this was a safe distance to remain. They had come upon no other beings and although they followed the river, the elves tended to remain inside the forest; no doubt for better cover and concealment. Snow lay curled up by her feet, his gaze following her as she pulled her pack over to her to rummage through. He whined a little as she pulled out a small parcel of rabbit meat she had put away and smiling gently; she gave him a few morsels to savor.
            He ate them quickly and soon he was on his side sleeping soundly. Layora reached out to rub his belly quietly and after a little while, she moved to rest her head on his stomach, closing her eyes. She listened to the sound of his heartbeat, his chest rising and falling with each breath. She relaxed against him, her hand resting on his chest lightly. She often lay like this with him, she was amazed that hed let her, but he never seemed to shift uncomfortably or whine at all. She loved the comfort he gave her, to be so close to him. Lying there quietly, she eventually drifted off to sleep.
            Morning came and they were on their way again. Looking over at Snow, she thought about what she might do next. She knew that Snow would have to initially be left out as she was afraid of what they may do if they saw her with the young wolf. She feared for his safety as well as her own and with the day being rather bright and uneventful, Layora thought it might be a good idea to approach the group. She had managed to catch up to them quite a bit and if she ran East a little, she would come across them soon enough. Letting Snow keep pace with her, she decided this would be her best option and with a nervous fluttering in her stomach, she started out to intercept them.
            She wasnt sure how she would do it, whether or not she would directly approach them or call out to them, all she knew was that this was a perfect chance and she needed to take it. Snow travelled by her side as she ran, eager to keep up with her. He barked lightly at her and she laughed a little as he darted ahead of her. She loved running with him, it was quite possibly the most amazing feeling she had ever experienced. After a while they came almost within earshot of the elves and she did her best to keep quiet and stopping for a moment, she knelt by Snow, wrapping her arms about him. Itll only be for a little while, but I need you to stay hidden, can you do that for me? She closed her hand and made a fist, lowering it to the ground before opening her hand again and laying her palm on the bit of snow that remained. Snow understood this to mean hide and immediately he rubbed his nose to her cheek and disappeared off into the forest. Layora continued to follow the tree line and soon she could see them. It was a small group travelling on horses in the distance, some riding and others simply walking along side.
            Trembling a little she started off towards them, deliberately making her presence known as she came closer. She could make out their figures and even some features from where they were and soon they had stopped and two of the elves were waving to her. She had made sure to let down her hood so that she may be seen clearly and even went so far as to push her hair behind her ears, making it clear that she too was an elf and meant no ill will towards them. She couldnt stop herself from shaking and soon the group had turned to come towards her. Every possible negative thought about herself ran through her mind and although she was smiling, she was absolutely terrified of what was going to happen next.
            Why hello there, Called one of the elves. His eyes spoke of kindness and his voice sounded so sweet to her. She stumbled over what she would say, not having even thought about it as of yet. Hello, my name is Layora, She extended her hand to the other elf and his gaze followed her motion, his smile almost turning into that of a grin. He took her hand and instead of shaking it, knelt down a little and kissed her knuckles gently. Its a pleasure to meet you, Layora. I am Vaeril, he spoke eloquently and in a lovely voice but all Layora could do was look upon him in astonishment. She was shocked by his greeting and her cheeks quickly grew hot as he bowed before her.
            Y-You dont need to greet me like that..-thank you so much for your kindness- He interrupted her however, as he stood back up and let her hand go. She tried not to withdraw it too quickly and tried her hardest to catch her breath. Soon she noticed that the rest of the elves were watching her with light smiles and she blushed even harder. Trying to ignore the way her cheeks burned, she bowed before the elf, Its lovely to meet you, Vaeril. I have been travelling for quite some time in search of you-well, the elves.
            He smiled even brighter upon her and nodded, I see, well where have you come from? Layora visibly began to relax as the other elves put down their things and while listening, tended to their horses. Not from anywhere near here, She laughed lightly. Im from the North West, some months travel from here. I just recently passed over the Mountain and Ive come to find you.
            Me? Vaerils lips turned up into that of a great smirk and Layora quickly realized what she had said and went to correct herself, Well the elves I mean, Im sorry. I have been looking for other elves like me. He smiled and laughed a little at her embarrassment and shook his head, Its alright, I understand now. How did you come to travel alone and so far? Did you not have any of your people to come with you? Layora shook her head gently, No, I lived among humans. You and your brethren are the first elves I have ever met.
            Some of the elves turned their full attention back towards the young elf and her cheeks began to grow hot again as their eyes fell upon her. Their expressions were mixed, some looked incredulous, some looked rather lost or dumbfounded and Layora inwardly cringed. Perhaps she should not have shared such information to these people. She had after all, only just met them. You were among humans? For how long? He was watching her very curiously, but his smile or rather, smirk, was still there. Ah, as long as I can remember, Im 30 years of age, or so Ive been told. Vaeril shook his head in disbelief, I cant believe youve never met another elf before, Ive never known of any elf to live among humans before. Theyre a nice sort of people, but very different from ourselves.
            Layora was beginning to grow more and more self-conscious and soon she was rubbing her upper arms nervously as she had them crossed. She had no idea of what to say next and simply tried to smile warmly at them. Another elf came a little closer and bowed gently before her, Perhaps she would feel more comfortable if we did not ask so many questions? He was smiling and Vaeril laughed, Ah, youre probably right. Please forgive me miss, I hope I did not seem too forward. I am merely curious as to how such a beautiful young elf came to be all on her own way out here. The other elf rolled his eyes a bit, knowing full well how his companion behaved, Let her be, Vaeril, His gaze turned to her once again and with a smile, he introduced himself. My name is Aerhyn, He bowed again and this time extended his hand to her, having recognized her manners the first time. Hesitantly she accepted it and shook his hand firmly. He simply smiled and nodded to her, Why dont you come along with us. Were just under a week away from our home.
            Layoras heart pounded in her ears and she was sure they could hear it. She tried hard to withhold her excitement and nodded, I would love to accompany you on your journey home. Id be honored for you to bring me along. She bowed her head and shook his hand once more before letting go. He smiled warmly upon her and soon he was asking her to walk alongside him as they started off together. She nervously followed and hoped that Snow was watching and following along as well. Then the thought of how to tell them she wasnt actually alone flitted across her mind and biting her lower lip firmly, she tried to listen and concentrate on what Vaeril and Aehryn were saying to her.
            Im amazed that youve never met other elves before. I mean, you were born of an elf and must have been mothered by one for a little while, no? It was Vaeril who spoke and inwardly Layora sighed, I dont remember my childhood, I only remember one day being looked after by a family with a few children and much land. They were wealthy landowners at the time and they took care of me fairly well.
            Fairly well? Im sure they were right beasts to you. Man, all they care about is wealth and power, He spat and Aehryn gave him a sharp glance. Vaeril shook his head and did his best to lighten the mood. Im sure they looked after you, but youre an elf, not one of their kind. Surely they saw differences in you. Layora nodded gently and shrugged, They did, but I ignored it and did the best I could. They fed and clothed me, gave me a place to live. I simply worked for them. He scoffed a little and yet another hard glare came from Aehryn which forced him to stay quiet once more. I simply minded the children when I could, helped clean and cook. I did have my freedom, but I had nowhere to go, nothing to do. I felt lost among them for a very long time, but then I left. And now, well, now Im here and Ive met other elves like me.
            Aehryn was listening intently as they walked together and he caught sight of her beautiful smile as she finished speaking. She looked so utterly happy, her features, the way she walked and held herself. She looked content and it surprised him. He thought about what it must be like to live among only humans, never knowing a mother or father or other people like her. Perhaps she was hiding more than what she was sharing, but he was sure about one thing, she was happy to have found them. Vaeril too noticed her smile and took yet another opportunity to compliment her on her beauty, You are very different from many of the female elves I know. They are very fair skinned and many do not take up archery as an avid hobby.
            Layora nodded, Not many women where I came from did either. I taught myself and Im very fortunate to know how to use it. I would not have survived otherwise. Ive had to teach myself how to do many things. To be honest, Im worried about how I may appear to all of you, I dont want to offend anyone and by my not knowing any of your customs, I fear that I may. Vaeril laughed and shook his head, Thats nonsense, you are indeed different, but everyone is unique in their own way. Im sure you would do nothing to offend, at least not on purpose. Layora nodded, Not on purpose, but I dont want to unknowingly hurt someones feelings. I would hope that I would be told if what I did was improper or done a different way by elves. Ive never known anything different than what Ive grown up with and books, well books only teach me so much. I hope to learn far more of your customs, history and languages; for Ive heard you have several.
            Aehryn nodded and absentmindedly rubbed his horses neck as he walked alongside him, We do have a few, most are different dialects though and some are actually unique to some kinds of elves. But Im sure we have a few knowledgeable elves that would be very happy to teach you. Layora smiled and looked over at him, I hope so, Ive always stared at the letters in books but I could never read them. I wish to learn to write as well. It must sound beautiful. Aehryn nodded and thought about speaking out in his native language, but suddenly grew very self-conscious and shied away after having noticed her watching him. Layora returned her gaze to the path they travelled and soon Vaeril had wrapped her up in his conversation about their home, the great halls and vaulted ceilings with beautiful tapestries and ornate carvings. It all sounded very luxurious to her and she could not even begin to imagine what it might actually be like. The more they talked, the more Layora grew engrossed in conversation with him and soon Aehryn had fallen in step with some of his other companions.
            His gaze often returned to Layora and he admired her bow and quiver. He was impressed with the craftsmanship and although he wanted to compliment her on them, curious as to whether or not she had made them herself. He kept quiet, however, and decided he would wait until a better opportunity arose to ask. He thought she was very pretty and although she was dressed a little differently, he still admired her clothing, sure that she had made them herself. She had lovely pelts and furs to keep her warm, even her gloves looked well made. He smiled, truly impressed with her accomplishments. If she had indeed come from so far, she was a unique elf, to say at the very least. Shaking his head a little with a smile, he decided he would ride for a little while and go ahead to scout out a good resting place for later that day.
            Putting his foot into the stirrup, he lifted himself gracefully onto his horse and started at a light trot ahead of the group. He could feel eyes upon him after not getting very far and he wondered if Layora were watching him or if she was still deep in conversation with Vaeril. Oh Vaeril, he thought. Always after someone. His mind drifted and soon he was quite a distance ahead, scouting along the tree line and venturing out into the open field whenever he wished. Unawares that he was being watched very closely by a pair of bright blue eyes, he continued to scout out the area ahead of the group, looking for a safe place for them to camp later that day.
            Layoras gaze had followed Aehryn as he left their group and went on ahead. He looked strong and his horse looked as though he were at great ease with his rider. She wished she could ride too, but she did not want to ask nor did she want to embarrass herself while trying. She knew she could ride well, but she did not know if she was supposed to ride a specific way. She began to worry that she may have to ride with someone at some point during the week it took them to arrive at their home and she inwardly cringed at the thought. Sighing softly, she noticed that Vaeril had stopped talking with her and was immersed in a conversation with another elf for the moment. She had briefly been introduced to the other elves, just name exchanges during one of Vaerils conversations and was pleased to meet each and every one of them. They all looked so unique and fair skinned; she wondered what she looked like in comparison to them and blushed whenever she thought about it. She felt embarrassed by her appearance and although covered up, she was still not in any garments close to what they wore. They didnt seem to be bothered by the cold either, she wondered at this and while thinking about it, she realized that she hadnt been feeling too cold either. Shaking her head a little, she kept covered up as best she could and let her eyes wander once again.
            They followed Aehryn for a while, her gaze turning from the trees looking for Snow, back to Aehryn again. She found herself wondering what he was like and even from their brief conversation; she knew he was kind and definitely friendly. Even Vaeril was very friendly, but she could tell he had ulterior motives. He was charming, she could see that, but he was a little oppressive or overbearing. She inwardly laughed at herself and smiled, hes coming on far too strong, lets just say it how it is. Just then he turned his attention back to her and motioned towards Aehryn, Hes trying to find us a place to lie low for the night; hes always running off on his own. Hes technically our guardian or guard captain and so he looks out for us whenever he can. Im the second in command and there is a third somewhere around here- He was interrupted with an elbow to the side, Thats me, another elf had stepped beside them and was now walking with them, Im Luin. Layora smiled and bowed her head a little, Its lovely to meet you, I hope to make everyones acquaintance by the time we make it to your home.
            He smiled and nodded, Our home, wait until you see it. Lyione is where were from. Im sure youll think it beautiful when you see it. We have gorgeous gardens and archery ranges. There are even hot springs and the wildlife there is just stunning. Im sure youll appreciate its beauty. Layoras cheeks began to redden, the way he said it came across very strong and she turned her gaze back to Aehryns figure far off in the distance. Im sure its as beautiful as you say. I look forward to spending some time in Lyione. Luin continued to smile and soon he had wandered off to accompany two of the horses and another elf near the back of their little party. For the rest of the afternoon she was left alone with her thoughts, following the group quietly as they continued on. Aehryn had returned to the group and told them of a quiet place in the woods where they could spend the night.
Layora was feeling very drained from the afternoon and was looking forward to just resting that evening. She looked around rather anxiously for Snow, however, but saw no sign of him. The worry began to pool in her heart and she wished that he would give her some kind of a sign that he was nearby. Sighing a little, she struggled to keep with the group as most had now mounted their horses and thus travelled much faster than her. She did her best to keep up and soon they were venturing back into the forest. Everyone having dismounted and leading their horses through the underbrush carefully. It wasnt far until they came to a comfortable spot, a small clearing in which they would spend the night. Layora sighed deeply and sat down on the forest floor, leaning back against a tree trunk, honestly ready to fall asleep right there.
            Her mind began to wander and she wondered when she should come clean about her companion and returned her gaze to the clearing just inside the forest with great trees that would shelter them. A few of the elves went to work setting up their tents and soon Layora had hers set up a little ways from the others. She was nervous about spending the night in the company of these elves and she wondered at whether Snow would venture close enough to camp that she could see him. She thought it would be best to be separated in case Snow did venture close.
            After everyone was settled, the horses were fed and a fire was built. It didnt take long before food was being cooked and wine was being served. Layora declined to have a drink as she had never had anything like that before and did not wish to partake in that sort of thing while only males were present. Vaeril teased her for it and tried to pressure her into taking a drink, but she refused as nicely as possible and instead shared their food. She even offered to make tea for anyone who was interested and she was very surprised to learn that everyone was interested in having a cup. She eagerly went to her pack to bring back a sachet of loose tea leaves and put on a pot of boiling water while the others continued to eat their meals. It wasnt long before they were all sharing her tea and enjoying it immensely.
            I received the tea from a small village just over the Mountain. The villagers were so kind to me and they spoke very highly of the elves. I believe there was a time where your people helped them and now, well, now they treat the elves graciously, She smiled as she spoke this. I did not take any part in whatever you did for their people, but they were so very kind to me. Im curious to know what happened. Aehryn smiled and nodded a little, Ah, its a lovely village. They happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time unfortunately. Its a really long story though; maybe itd be best if I let one of the people who were actually there, explain it to you later. I wouldnt do it justice. Layora smiled and nodded, That would be lovely.
            He smiled and handed her a small cup of the tea she had prepared, having made sure everyone else received a cup, she had forgotten about herself. Blushing, she whispered her thanks before sitting back on the forest floor with her cup of tea. Absentmindedly her gaze began to shift from their little camp site to the forest around them. It was growing dark rather quickly and nearly sighing, she brought her cup to her lips and started to drink her tea. Aehryn did not fail to notice her gaze as it shifted from one tree to the next as if looking for something. Curious, he did not wish to pry; perhaps he was mistaken and simply mistook her wandering eyes. He began to sip at his tea and after a while some of the other elves went off to sleep and soon it was just Layora and Aehryn sitting up. A few of us will keep watch tonight, so dont be worried about anything, you should get some sleep though, its getting late.
            Layora cleaned her cup and put it away before helping to clear a few more things up. Ill see you in the morning then, sleep well. And thank you again for being so kind to me. I really do appreciate all that you and your people have done for me. Aehryn laughed lightly, Please, you are a part of us. You dont have to refer to us as others, were all the same, no matter where youve come from. Layora really was unable to speak, the pain she had felt for so long, the outcast she had felt like for so many years was slowly disappearing inside of her. It may not have been something that Aehryn could understand, but his kind words and their warm heartedness towards her had really touched her heart. She felt comfortable and safe and she worried over how she would be received by other elves at their home. All she could do was whisper her thanks and head towards her tent, stopping herself from turning around one last time to thank him, she ducked inside her tent. She nearly gasped however and quickly covered her mouth to stifle it; Snow was lying in her bed, his tail thumping against her blankets as he saw her. She smiled brightly and threw her arms about him.
            You silly pup, She thought and rubbed his back. He was safe and she was thankful for it, but how she was going to keep him quiet and out of the campsite in the morning was beyond her. Shaking her head a little she lay down beside him, not bothering to remove her clothes. He licked her hand as she scratched his head and sighing softly, she shook her head again. Ill just have to tell them in the morning. They may think it strange or something, but I dont think they would harm you, not if I showed them how loving you are. She was smiling again and soon they had fallen asleep curled up together. Neither had anything to worry about and Layora would soon see just how understanding the little group of elves really were.
            Early that morning, Layora awoke with second thoughts. She was terrified that they would turn on her for having brought such a dangerous animal into their midst. Shaking her head she rubbed Snows ears and kissed the top of his head, Youre not dangerous at all pup, theyll see that right away. She rested her forehead against his and rubbed his neck gently. After a little while she could hear movement out in the camp and she left Snow inside the tent while she went out to find Aehryn. She thought it would be best if she told him first and then he could explain everything to his companions. With a brave heart, she left the tent and didnt get very far before finding him sitting by the dying embers with another cup of hot tea. He heard her coming and turned to smile upon her and immediately he noticed her concerned look, Did you sleep well? He asked and Layora smiled nervously, Oh I slept just fine, thank you. I hope you and the others have slept alright as well. He nodded and motioned for her to join him, moving to pour her a cup of tea as well.
            Layora sat across from him and shifted uncomfortably for a moment before sipping at her tea. A few of the other elves had left and were looking around for small game for the mornings breakfast and so the camp site was rather quiet. Feeling a little more confident, she turned to him and before she could speak, she noticed that he was patiently waiting for her to tell him what was on her mind. His eyes were unblinking as they looked upon her with great concern. She felt as if he was looking right through her, like he knew what she was about to say. Before she could even so much as hint at what she wanted to discuss, he spoke up. Youre not really alone, are you? Layoras heart felt as though it would break free of her chest, the blood began to pound in her ears and her cheeks flushed a deep crimson. No, Im not. Im sorry for deceiving you. But please understand, Im so terribly frightened-
            Frightened? He interjected, What ever could you be frightened about? If your companion is near, why do you not introduce them? I knew it was strange for you to be on your own. You can rest assure that no harm would come to them. Layoras head bowed a little and her gaze fell to the forest floor between them. The little twigs and dirt were just barely visible through the light blanket of melting snow. Snow, She whispered and sighed, His name is Snow. For a moment, jealousy seemed to wrap its ugly fingers around Aehryn and he quickly dismissed it, Oh, well why are you so afraid for us to meet him? Wed be happy to show you both our home, Im sure. He smiled warmly upon her and after a few moments of silence, Layoras gaze returned to him, though she could barely meet his eyes as she continued. Hes not an elf or a man or human for that matter. Aehryns brow creased and his gaze turned to that of great curiosity, An animal then? Layora nodded and then she heard him start to laugh lightly, Why are you so afraid then? He must not be a giant bear, I fear we would have noticed him already if he were. What could you possibly be hiding that could make you so fright- He was interrupted however by a light whistle Layora made and then it was silent.
            Snow had emerged from her tent and made his way quietly over to stand beside her. She wrapped her arms around him and pulled him close to her, as if protecting him. His name is Snow. I found him when he was just a pup, barely able to move or open his eyes. His mother, brothers and sister died and he alone survived. He has been my companion ever since. Aehryn did not move, truthfully he was very frightened, he knew the wolf was still young, but he was still a very large animal. Hes harmless, I promise you. He is just a pup and he listens very well. Ive been training him to hunt with me and hes so smart. Im sorry for keeping him a secret, but you must understand why I did so.
            Aehryn nodded very slowly and sat back a little, placing his cup on the ground. Oh no, I understand why..Im just a little shocked is all. I didnt think you were alone but I also didnt think you were travelling with, well..a wolf. Its very strange, I mean..Ive never seen a live wolf this close before. Hes stunning but very intimidating as well. Layora shook her head a little, Oh no, if you get to know him, youll see hes not. Hes just a big baby. She was smiling now, rubbing his back gently. Why dont you pet him? She asked and extended her hand to him. I promise he wont do anything, hes very calm. Aehryns look of fear slowly turned to curiosity. How did you get him to behave so well, he does seem very calm. If I werent so close to him, I might just think he was a dog. Layora shook her head gently, I just respect him and he respects me. Weve learned to be together and learned so much about one another. Hes been a wonderful companion. I dont think I would have made it here if I hadnt found him. She sighed and rubbed his ears, causing him to whine happily and push his head into her hands.
            Aehryn shook his head a little incredulously, Im just so surprised, I dont know if I want to pet him or run from him. He laughed a little and smiled, He is beautiful, but terrifyingly so. Layora laughed lightly and smiled at him, He wouldnt hurt a fly unless I told him to. Hes very well behaved and I really dont have to tell him to act any special way. He behaves whatever way he sees fit. Hes calm right now because Im calm. But..Im a little nervous as to how youre going to tell your companions about Snow and I. I mean..they cant all react the same way you have. He shook his head gently, Theyll be fine so long as you can prove to us that he is indeed harmless.
            Yes, harmless, Came a chorus of voices from a distance. Layora looked over Aehrys shoulder and there stood the rest of the elves, including Luin and Vaeril, all looking rather curious but terrified. Layora blushed and went to stand and Snow sat readily by her side. Do you trust me, Aehryn? She asked, with a very nervous smile. I dont see a reason why not to, you have been truthful and you couldnt possibly sit here with your arms about that wolf without feeling safe enough to do so. So yes, I will trust you. He stood up and outstretched his hand and Layora looked down at Snow, hoping beyond all hope that he wouldnt startle him in any way. She rubbed his head gently for a moment before walking over to Aehryn and standing next to him. She turned and beckoned for Snow to follow and he trotted eagerly to her side. Gently, she took Aehryns hand and placed it atop Snows shoulders, letting it rest in his soft fur at the base of his neck.
            Aehryns eyes had closed and he was very tense but as soon as Layora removed her hand, he could do nothing but feel the soft fur beneath his fingers. It took him a very long time before he opened his eyes and soon he was gazing down at the white fur rising and falling beneath his fingertips. Snow was indeed very calm, just relaxing while first Aehryn pet him, then gradually as Luin, Vaeril and the others came closer, they too wished to touched the wild animal. Layora stood behind Snow while each elf came and placed their hand on the back of his neck or the top of his head. They pet him and he simply sat quietly, enjoying the attention. Layora was so thankful he wasnt getting wound up or too excited, she was worried he might frighten the others if he began to get too rambunctious. It took them a little while to get used to this new companion in their midst and after a while, they all returned to what they were doing and started making breakfast.
            Snow never left her side but curiously began to look upon the horses not far away from the camp site. Layora wasnt worried, however, as she knew he was likely to be more scared of them than they were of him. She was definitely right, for later that morning as they started walking together on the path to Lyione, Snow ducked in and out from behind Layora every time they got too close to the horses. She simply laughed and tried to get him comfortable with the larger animals, but he would have none of it at the moment. She decided it would be best to let him be until he felt comfortable enough around them. The horses were not bothered by his presence in the least and it surprised Aehryn and some of the other elves. But they simply imagined it was because they had never really been around such an animal before and because he was much smaller, were not frightened by him at all. They were thankful for this as the morning progressed.
            Aehryn was beyond intrigued by Snow, wondering how he learned to be in the presence of another being so different from himself and the fact that he listened to her was beyond him. Im amazed at how well behaved he is. He must love you very much to follow you like this and obey you. Layora shook her head gently, He only obeys me if I ask him nicely. Even then, he still watches over me. If I ask him to hide or stay in a certain spot, more often than not, I come back to find him much closer than I had left him or like last night. He found his way into my tent when I had told him to hide. She laughed a little and shook her head gently, Youre right though, I think he does love me and I know that I love him. I would not have made it this far without him. He has helped me a great deal. Aehryn nodded and reached down once again to pet the top of Snows head. I dont know how well manage when we get to Lyione, but I can assure you, no harm will come to him or yourself so long as I am here.
            Layora whispered her thanks and looked down at Snow who walked quietly between them. The thought of losing him hurt her more than anything. He was the most wonderful thing that had ever happened to her. Even meeting the elves she had long since dreamed of meeting was shadowed by his friendship. Thank you again, She whispered, For all youre doing for us. Snow means a very great deal to me and I am so thankful for your kindness. I really do look forward to meeting your people. Learning about your customs, language and history is something that I have wanted to immerse myself in for so long. Aehryn smiled warmly over at her, Dont worry, our libraries are full of wonderful reads and I know my sister would be very happy to teach you our language and show you our home.
            Layoras smile brightened, You have a sister? Aehryn nodded, I do, shes a bit older than myself. Her name is Mevneriel. I know shell be happy to meet you. Layoras head started to swim, shed finally really get to meet another elf like her. So far all she had met with were men and she was very interested in learning from a woman. That would be fantastic, I cant wait to meet her. What is she like? Aehryn smiled and shrugged, Shes a lady, so she likes ladylike things I suppose? He laughed and smiled, She likes to ride and read and enjoys walking in the gardens. Im sure youll get along with her. Shes always talking about meeting new people. Shes very social. Layora nodded nervously, she was afraid that this woman might be a little overwhelming for her, but she looked forward to their meeting nevertheless.
            The day passed by quickly and soon the next had passed as well. Layora was permitted to ride at times and did so without incident, despite it having been ages since shed been on a horse. Snow didnt seem to mind her riding but he did keep a safe distance beside the horse as she rode along. She and Aehryn talked at great length about all kinds of things, from the changing of the seasons to the many corridors of the great halls she would soon be walking within. He and the others had opened up greatly to Snow and even watched as Layora would ask him to hunt and bring back small game. She told them about some of the commands he was familiar with but no matter how many times they tried to get him to do anything, he would ultimately only do what Layora asked him to. She thought this very funny and would try her hardest to get him to listen to Aehryn or Vaeril, but neither could get him to do anything but look at them with a strange face and a tilting of the head. This went on for several days, the other elves growing closer to Layora as she expressed her love of hunting and archery. She explained how she had made her bow and arrows as well, something that had intrigued Aehryn greatly. He sat down with her on the last evening of their journey and by the fire, she showed him how she made her arrows.
            “I take a lot of time selecting the feathers I use. I find owl feathers and hawk to be the best, but they arent always easy to find. Every arrow should tell a story, for every time it strikes its target, the story is passed on. I grew up where the master of the house made great arrows and although he never showed me, I watched whenever I could and took note of his techniques. Ive made my own thanks to him and every arrow Ive made has a story to be told. Some are about my life, others are about Snow or our travels. Like this one, She pulled out a greyish arrow. The shaft was a pewter colour with dark carvings worn throughout. This one is about when I found Snow and his mother. It tells a story through pictures and symbols that Ive constructed. When I found Snow, he was not the brilliant colour you see now, he was muddy and withered and barely clinging to life. The feather is black for a reason and even the colour of the wood I chose was symbolic. Theyre works of art to me. And rightly so, Whispered Aehryn as he admired the arrow. Its beautiful, they all are. I think its very interesting how you craft them. Ive never seen anyone do that with arrows before. Ive seen inscriptions on swords and poems on them and the like, but never pictures like this. Theyre beautiful.
            Layora blushed gently and smiled before putting some of her arrows back in her quiver. Thank you very much for you compliments. They can be time consuming, but every one of them is important and well worth the time it takes to craft. Aehryn nodded and ran his fingers along the arrow with the images of Snows mother and the other pups. He felt sadness creep into his heart and shook his head gently, Its a shame they all died. I cant imagine coming across a scene like that. Layora shook her head gently, It was indeed sad. When I found him, I was overcome with fear at first but when I realized an animal was in trouble, it left me instantly. When I pulled him out, I couldnt tell who had been making the noises, they were all so still, so emaciated. It was a terrible sight, but when I saw his face and heard him whimper once more. My heart leapt and all I could do was race to help him. Within a few days he had opened his eyes and was feeling much better. After a good couple of baths his fur started to look less matted and much softer. I still cannot believe how white he is. He practically matches the snow.
            Aehryn laughed, Hence his name. Layora chuckled and nodded, It was simple and it suited him. Aehryn was admiring her, every moment they spent together, the more interesting he found her to be. The more he wanted to get to know her. He was excited to introduce her to his sister and hoped that she would be well looked after by her. I think you and Snow will do very well in Lyione. Were a comfortable sort of people. No mischief, for the most part. We all enjoy our own passions and pursue them much like your humans did, Im sure. Youll see differences  though, like our society for example. We are high elves but we live alongside the wood elves and nereids as well. We share languages and there is always the common tongue that is spoken throughout. You would be hard pressed to find someone who did not speak it. We are a peaceful people with no greed or power to tempt us.
            Layora listened intently, she was very curious about their cultural differences as she had only ever known mans behaviors and tendencies towards just that, greed and power. She wondered what their people were really like and how their society worked. She expected it to work very differently than that of her little town, but had no concept of how things were actually organized. She knew that she would simply have to wait to have all of her questions thus answered. Aehryn had been very helpful, explaining how he and the others lived, what kinds of things they enjoyed or practiced. They enjoyed their feasts and leisure time, of which they had much.
Something Layora had been wanting to ask for the last day or so had slowly been growing inside her and finally she was able to form the right words, I have to ask..I understand that we are an immortal race, but I do not quite understand what it means to be immortal. I only have some knowledge from books Ive read, but nothing more.Aehryn frowned a little, Well, we live forever, provided we do not die in battle or an accident of some kind. When an elf reaches a certain age, there is a Haven they travel to where they spend the rest of their lives, if they wish of course. Many elves grow very old but do not wish to leave home because they fear they will wither to nothing if they do not keep themselves busy. It makes sense, I cannot see myself ever leaving to do, well, nothing so far away. I can understand why many may feel the need to leave, but I am very young in the eyes of our elders and I know I wont be leaving any time in the near future.
Layora nodded gently, Am I considered young then as well? I was told that I was nearly 30 years. Aehryn nodded, Youre definitely very young, even younger than myself and the other elves that we travel with. Though not a lot younger than I. She smiled a little and nodded, I see. Then we have much time to enjoy our lives in Lyione as friends. Aehryn laughed lightly, Of course, I hope you will call me a friend for a very long time. Layora nodded and picked up her arrows and quiver again, Im sure I will. I think I should head to sleep, it is going to be a very overwhelming day for me tomorrow, I can tell. She laughed nervously and Aehryn just smiled at her, Try not to worry so much, youll be well liked and well figure out a way to introduce Snow in a way that best suits the both of you. Layora nodded and said her good nights to the other elves before heading back to her tent with Snow by her side. Talking about immortality had brought up some uncomfortable feelings but she was trying her best to push them from her mind as she crawled under her blankets next to Snow. She gazed across at him and reached out to touch his paw. It wasnt long before he had come closer to her and was snuggled up tightly against her legs. She knew he would not live forever, but he was still a pup and she would enjoy every moment with him and make sure that he lived the wonderful loving life that he so deserved.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Great read Mish! A few comments/typos below.

"While her soup was cooking, she pulled her bag towards her and emptied out many of her things, wishing the reorganize her pack." I think this last part was suppose to say "wishing to reorganize her pack"

“I can’t believe they would give me something to precious" I think it was suppose to be "so precious"

"They stay like that a while". Tense/word issue.

"she worried they might actually be closer than she though" missing the t in thought.

Question. Are there only one group of elves in the world? It strikes me as when layers is talking to vaeril she says she was looking for "the elves"... Should she just say elves in general or are all the elves in one single area? I know later you say they have different dialects.

"Unawares that he was being watched" typo here.

"She took Aehryn’s hand and placed it atop Sno’s shoulders," typo in Snow.

Those are just the nit-picky comments. Otherwise I really enjoyed it. I'm glad she is with elves and that they accepted Snow. I'm on to the next part now!
Keep it up!!